Hates Music, Hates to Dance, But...
When he first mentioned wanting to perform at the school's annual talent show this year, I didn't think he was very serious. So I let it pass. He had brought it up last year, too. But because the only talent he could think to show off was his impressive prowess at escaping Endermen and destroying Creepers in Minecraft, he was merely a spectator that year. About a week after first talking about it, my fourth-grade son again mentioned his plans to try out for the show. This time I needed to listen. He said he wanted to sing as his talent. In the last few months, my first-born has discovered YouTube music videos specific to his interests in video games. It turns out there are playlists full of Linkin Park and Evanescence songs set to Minecraft play, as well as songs written specifically for the weird characters of Rainbow Friends in Roblox. The one for Purple is his favorite. He wanted to sing one of those songs, one that had words appropriate for school. But, until...