Vagisil - Good for What Ails You
I have a great husband who knows my limits, and one of those limits is how much time I can spend around other people – including my precious child – before I start to slowly go mad. An introvert at heart, I require a decent amount of down time alone each day so I can recover from the hours I spend being pulled at, whined to, and drooled on. My need for breaks is naturally at odds with my husband’s need to, you know, go to work and earn money so he can support our family. He works an odd schedule, so I am fortunate that he has more time than most husbands to entertain and bond with the kiddo, which allows me some time off. Unfortunately, he travels sometimes – leaving me alone with a toddler for days at a time. Like I said, he knows my limits, and he almost always arranges with his parents for the kiddo to spend the night at least once while my husband is gone. This way he doesn’t come home to an irritable wife who’s likely to sigh loudly and slam doors and yell at the dogs. Or...